Use your genetic information to understand your unique personality.

Who are you, really?

Your family, friends, culture, education, and personal experiences shape who you are. But so do your genes! Understanding how your genetic predispositions influence your personality can help you gain insight, set realistic goals, and become the best version of you.

Personality reports are categorized into three groups:

Mood and Attitude

Do you have trouble learning from past mistakes? Are you impulsive? Are you a morning lark or a night owl? Do you have a tendency to feel blue as the winter months drag on?

Explore how your genetic variations influence your disposition and temperament.

Personality Profile

Are you a worrier who struggles with anxiety? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Are an extrovert or an introvert? Do you long for the opportunity to strut across the stage or do you prefer one-on-one social interactions?

Learn how your genetic variations influence your personality and social preferences.

Skills and Aptitudes

Are you always seeking out new and exciting opportunities? Do you always have your nose in a book, or do you prefer puzzles and equations? Do you enjoy spending your time playing guitar or saxophone?

Explore how your genetic variations influence your skill development and interests.

What types of traits are assessed by the Personality reports?

Click here to explore more reports.